Kupambana Kwambiri Pagulu - #9 / 2024

Kupambana Kwambiri Pagulu - #9 / 2024

Kupambana Kwakukulu Kwambiri Pagulu - #9 / 2024: Kukondwerera Kupambana Pamodzi

Chochitika cha Community Biggest Wins ndi mwambo wolemekezeka womwe umatilola kukumana pamodzi monga gulu ndikukondwerera kupambana kwathu. Chochitika cha chaka chino, gawo la 9, sizinali choncho. Unali mdima wodzaza ndi chimwemwe, kunyada, ndi kudzimva kuti tapambana pamene tinkalingalira zimene tachita m’chaka chatha.

1 mwa mfundo zazikuluzikulu zamadzulo zinali kuzindikiridwa kwa anthu odziwika bwino komanso magulu omwe athandiza kwambiri anthu ammudzi. Kuchokera kwa odzipereka omwe apereka maola ochuluka kuthandiza omwe akufunidwa, kupita ku mabizinesi am'deralo omwe athandizira zoyeserera zapagulu, wolemekezeka aliyense adakondweretsedwa chifukwa cha zopereka zawo. Kusadzikonda kwawo ndi kuwolowa manja kwawo kumatipatsa chilimbikitso kwa tonsefe, kutikumbutsa za mphamvu ya kukumana pamodzi kuti tisinthe.

In addition to honoring individuals and groups, the event also showcased the community’s collective achievements. From successful fundraising campaigns to the completion of important infrastructure projects, we were reminded of the incredible things that can be accomplished when we work together towards a common goal. These wins are a testament to the strength and resilience of our community, and they give us hope for a brighter future.

As we celebrated our wins, we also took the time to reverberate on the challenges we have faced as a community. The yesteryear year has been difficult for many, with economic hardship, natural disasters, and social unrest affecting us all. But through it all, we have come together to support 1 another, lending a helping hand when needed and offering words of encouragement and solidarity. These moments of unity in the face of adversity remind us of the importance of community and the powerfulness of coming together in times of demand.

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Pamene madzulo anafika kumapeto, tinachoka ndi kunyada kwatsopano m’dera lathu ndi chiyamikiro chachikulu kaamba ka khama lonse ndi kudzipereka kumene kwatifikitsa pa mfundo imeneyi. Chochitika cha Community Biggest Wins chimakhala chikumbutso champhamvu cha mphamvu, kulimba mtima, ndi chifundo cha anthu amdera lathu, ndipo chimatilimbikitsa kupitirizabe kuyesetsa kukhala ndi tsogolo labwino kwa onse.

Pomaliza, Community Biggest Wins - #9 / 2024 chochitika chinali chakuda kukumbukira, chodzaza ndi kuseka, chisangalalo, ndi chikondwerero. Pamene tikuyang'ana mmbuyo pa chaka chapitacho ndi kupambana komwe tapeza, timakumbutsidwa za mphamvu za anthu ammudzi komanso kufunika kokhala pamodzi kuti tithandizire 1 wina. Ndi zochitika ngati izi zomwe timatha kukondwerera kupambana kwathu, kubwerezanso zovuta zathu, ndi kubwera pamodzi monga gulu kuti tithandize dziko lotizungulira.